Thursday, August 30, 2018

Protect Political Speech from the Tech Oligarchs with The Civil Rights Act of 2019

" If you haven't noticed that freedom of political speech in America is under increasingly effective assault by the left, you haven't been watching.  Over the internet, over lunch with colleagues, in every university classroom, indeed, everywhere in America, the wrong word, the wrong thought, can spell banishment or professional and personal destruction, or both.

The First Amendment's protection of free expression is a limitation only on governmental action.  The Founders never dreamed that the major private institutions of the Republic they were establishing would seriously limit freedom of speech for Americans.  But beyond any dispute, the day has come when exactly that evil is occurring.

We have a historical template for the solution, or at least a major part of the solution, to the once creeping, now galloping, repression of free speech in America.  It is high time for a new Civil Rights Act extending First Amendment freedoms to major private actors – to internet forums, large employers, and the entire K-12 and university systems.  "

[American Thinker]

California Eliminates Bail For Majority Of Suspects Awaiting Trial

 What could possibly go wrong with this?

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Both sides not now

Both sides not now (2)

 In two articles, STRONG arguments are presented that Clinton and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) should be investigated for campaign finance law violations as well as several other crimes ....... all far more egregious than Cohen and Flynn.  But since Mueller is in Clinton's pocket, it will not happen.



Friday, August 24, 2018

‘Illegal immigrant’ charged with Mollie Tibbetts’ murder

 “He’s an illegal alien, been in this area for four to seven years,” Rahn [special agent in charge at the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation] said. [NY Post]

All of those persons involved in FAILING TO DEPORT illegal aliens should have this murder on their conscience.  [clipper]

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Eyewitness to the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

" Half a century ago today, I watched as Soviet tanks rolled into my native Czechoslovakia to suppress the slight relaxing of the odious repression that was necessary to maintain a purported socialist paradise. “Prague Spring,” as the loosening of tyranny was called, ended before the summer was over.'

The buddy whose gal hung on my bicep that fateful night was shot to pieces two weeks later by a machine gun on a tank for waving the Czech flag.  Another friend was shot at close range by a soldier with a Kalashnikov on a crowded commuter bus; his girl next to him almost had a heart attack.  The reason: he refused to take down from his lapel the red-blue-white tricolor with a black beam across.  Three more friends were murdered in a like fashion for similar “high crimes” against the Big Red Brother.

Lastly, a memo to the foolish  misguided Millennials following as if in a trance the old greedy crook Bernie (who never had a real job in his life!), the supremely ignorant and vacuous Ocasio-Cortez airhead:  Communism and socialism murdered 100 - 200 million innocent civilians in peace time; only God knows the exact number!  Do you really want to live like this or be a part of the “elite” doing the killing?  The choice is yours, for now, because you live in the greatest, most generous and brave nation ever!  Better dead than Red -- take my word for it. We have the graves and the scars." 

[Robert of Prague] 

At UCLA, 20 paid diversity advocates isn’t enough

 And you wonder why college costs are rising 15% each year?

"The University of California, Los Angeles hopes to pay more students to fight “toxic masculinity” and “microaggressions” on campus, just two weeks after announcing it had already hired 20 foot soldiers for its social justice army. 

Hosted by the UCLA Intergroup Relations Program, the Diversity Peer Leaders project is a year-long internship during which students are paid $13 per hour to facilitate workshops on social justice issues and intercultural communication. "

[Campus Reform]

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Trump revokes security clearance for former CIA director John Brennan


Most industries take away employee passes, keys, company owned equipment and more as a routine process even for employees leaving in retirement or other favorable terms. Why should government departure be any different?  

And for those discharged for cause, stripping of access and removal from the premises is usually very swift.  Why should there be one millisecond of delay in stripping Strzok's security clearance?


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Misunderstanding the world

" Rukmini Callimachi is an outstanding reporter for the New York Times. She lets her story tell itself in “A Dream Ended on a Mountain Road: The Cyclists and the ISIS Militants.” Bruce Bawer expands on and explicates Callimachi’s story in the PJ Media column “Death by entitlement.” Biking in far-flung places around the world, the young couple portrayed in Callimachi’s story are murdered by ISIS terrorists who mow them down on the road in Tajikistan. Bawer’s biting column comes to this bracing conclusion:"

[Power Line]

See also:    Death by Entitlement

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy

 Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.

As media, intelligence agency, and political scrutiny of foreign meddling is seemingly at its apex, a story with big national security implications involving a high-ranking senator with access to America’s most sensitive intelligence information has been hiding in plain sight.
[The Federalist]

Where are the "CHINESE COLLUSION" charges????

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Why is Maria Butina in prison?

"If you believe the mass disinformation media, Maria Butina is just another Russian spy.  She was arrested the day before Trump and Putin met based on the federal statute of being an "unregistered foreign agent."  It seems that the arrest of Butina is the first time anybody has been arrested on this statute in the history of the United States.  Although the prison term for the lack of registration of a foreign agent exists (five years), so far, the only punishments have been small fines.

There is every reason to believe that Butina is in prison because a lawyer by the name of Veselnitskaya is at large.
These two Russians are not connected by their Russian origin or their suspicious (and suspiciously successful) activities in America.  They are connected because of the inexplicable desire of the Obama administration to see both of them on American soil."

[American Thinker]