Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Obama Faces Fearful Political Geography in November

This writer points out that the so-called "national polls", those conducted by CBSNBCNNAPNYT and others are showing Dear Leader moving upward towards election, are misleading. Using a simple example: his massive margins in California, New York and Illinois, where he has already garnered all the ELECTORAL VOTES possible, could increase to 100% of the popular votes cast, skewing the "national poll" greatly ..... yet it would not move him one electoral vote closer. Similarly, but on the other side of the equation, increasing Republican votes by relatively small amounts in key states such as NC, Indiana, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and Iowa could win enough electoral votes to put the Republican office. This is true even if Dear Leader won 8,624,332 votes more than the Republican.

The author goes on to speculate what might happen in that event. Would we have a popular uprising to force discounting of the Electoral College results? Let's hope not. [clipper]

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