Monday, August 26, 2013

Faces of Evil in a Violent Underclass

"Faces of Evil - that was the headline of the Australian Herald Sun when reporting the depraved murder of Aussie Christopher Lane.  It is instructive to carry that theme further with a few more faces.

[A list of recent violent black on white attacks follows - Ed] one has done more to impede the progress of black people than black 'leaders" and other leftists in the racial grievance industry.  They sell exactly the wrong message of victimhood, telling blacks on the dependency plantation that none of their problems are their fault and nothing is their responsibility.  Could you find a better formula for creating an angry, dependent population than to tell them that all of their problems are caused by others and all of their needs are someone else's job to fill.  From Sharpton to Obama, the message is destructive, though it does maintain the desired voting block.
Accepting lower standards of behavior for black people is a form of racism.  Only a racist would say that black people are not capable of joining civilized society on an equal footing.  Do blacks need lower standards because they are inferior people?  This is the soft bigotry of low expectations.  Violent, ignorant, parasitic thug culture is not a built- in defect.  It comes from bad values which are created and supported by bad social policy.  The violent subculture persists because of an absurd level of tolerance on our part."      [American Thinker]

1 comment:

    Faces of Evil in a Violent Underclass in AmericanThinker By Bryce Buchanan August 26, 2013
