Saturday, January 17, 2015

A New Year: Why, Mr. President, Why?

 "My dear friend Victoria Jackson, former star of SNL, has been deemed a nutcase for calling Obama a Muslim and a communist.  While I cannot confirm whether or not Vickie and other pundits are correct in their assessment, clearly Obama is on a different page from those of us who love freedom and America.

The question that continues to nag millions of Americans is, why does this man do what he does?  Why, Mr. President, why?

Folks, cited in this article is only the tip of the iceberg of Obama's war on America as founded: his attacks on traditional Americanism and Christian values, his unseemly attempts to divide us along racial lines to silence opposition to his overreaches, his thuggish use of government agencies to bully and intimidate Americans into submission, his encouraging the sin of covetousness/class envy to divide Americans along economic lines, his attempts to addict as many Americans as possible to government dependency, and his relentless efforts to diminish the worldwide influence of the United States of America.

Who are you, Mr. President?  Why are you always on the wrong side of what is best for America and her people?  What is your ultimate goal?"
[Lloyd Marcus]

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