Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cries to 'Ban the AR-15' Based on Ignorance and Hysteria

If you REALLY want to UNDERSTAND, read the entire article

"Yet another mass shooting has taken place in America – followed by all too predictable cries to ban the AR-15 rifle.

The pure ignorance of the people bleating for a ban on America's most popular rifle is appalling. With few exceptions, most of the calls to ban the AR-15 come from liberal, urban women and metrosexual men whose knowledge of firearms comes entirely from watching Rambo movies or playing "Call of Duty."

What we need instead is a cool-headed and sober analysis to find out why so many people, in the prime of life, in the wealthiest and most prosperous society in history, are willing to casually murder scores of strangers – and usually kill themselves in the process.

Until we answer that question, massacres are going to continue, with or without AR-15s.  So long as they do continue, the rest of us need all the self-protection – and freedom to defend ourselves – that we can get."

[American Thinker]

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