Sunday, March 18, 2018

Our America or theirs

"Lefties are in deep, deep denial.  They accuse Trump of the silliest stuff imaginable while exalting Barama and Hillary.  Comey and McCabe and Strzok are honorable men, and the Mueller investigation will put Trump in jail.  There's no talking with them because they just insult and sneer.  I know; I've tried.

They have built their own universe outside the universe of the real, and they say we who oppose them live outside the universe of the real and have built our own universe.  It's astonishing, and the longer it goes on, the more likely they are to lash out with violence when forced to face facts they don't want to face.

We can't let them get away with that anymore.

We are facing evil and its fruits.

We can't just let it go anymore.  There is no place left for us to retreat to.  For decades, we've let them get away with their rowdy, insulting, destructive behavior.  We've pretended they meant well when we knew they did not.  We've allowed them to get away with their lies because it was so unpleasant fighting all the time."

[American Thinker]

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