Thursday, August 30, 2018

Protect Political Speech from the Tech Oligarchs with The Civil Rights Act of 2019

" If you haven't noticed that freedom of political speech in America is under increasingly effective assault by the left, you haven't been watching.  Over the internet, over lunch with colleagues, in every university classroom, indeed, everywhere in America, the wrong word, the wrong thought, can spell banishment or professional and personal destruction, or both.

The First Amendment's protection of free expression is a limitation only on governmental action.  The Founders never dreamed that the major private institutions of the Republic they were establishing would seriously limit freedom of speech for Americans.  But beyond any dispute, the day has come when exactly that evil is occurring.

We have a historical template for the solution, or at least a major part of the solution, to the once creeping, now galloping, repression of free speech in America.  It is high time for a new Civil Rights Act extending First Amendment freedoms to major private actors – to internet forums, large employers, and the entire K-12 and university systems.  "

[American Thinker]

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