Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Whale of a Federal Case

Read this case ..... a whale researcher charged with obtuse "crimes" evolving from her whale watching business faces a destroyed business, a destroyed scientific career, devastated financially and 20 years in federal prison!  All because one of her crewman whistled at a humpback whale !

As George Will points out in his description of the case “most Americans are criminals, and don’t know it, or suspect that they are but believe they’ll never get prosecuted….”.    The vast scope of federal criminal law is a very serious problem. Because of it, most Americans are effectively at the mercy of federal officials whenever they might choose to come after us. We are used to thinking of “criminals” as a small subset of the population… most of whom have committed genuinely heinous acts. But when we are all federal criminals, perfectly ordinary citizens can easily get swept up in the net simply by being unlucky or because they ran afoul of federal prosecutors or other influential officials.  

This prosecutorial behavior by Federal (as well as State) officials reminds us all of that evinced by the likes of dictators worldwide.  Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, PolPot all found the means to find citizens they wished to control guilty of "crimes against the state" !



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