Wednesday, August 15, 2012

 clipper says:  Based on my experience 3 years ago when we local Tea Partiers were blocked out of a Democrat Congresswoman's constituent meeting by SEIU goons .... this is GOOD advice.  I naively confronted the SEIU thugs, yelling at them ..... the only footage that made network news was my face screaming at a silent thug!    We have since learned and I plead for Romney/Ryan supporters to remain cool in the face of opposition idiots ..... but document their behavior.    [clipper]

"The advice to have video cameras is good. Punch back twice as hard. Post the names, employment background, etc. of the hecklers who are arrested. Find ties to the campaign, SEIU, etc. and publicize those. Follow the money. Shine the sunlight on them. They’ll scatter like roaches. "     [Instapundit]

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