Thursday, August 16, 2012

Royal Waivers from Passed Law

"A disturbing trend in the attitude and actions of this administration is the disregard for the law as actually passed by Congress and signed by his predecessors. 

The reason it is referred to as "law"  is so it can not be changed or altered by the whim of an executive or an administration.  We would hope and expect.  But from the same president who complained of the threat of the Supreme Court overruling ObamaCare, we seem to get an endless stream of waivers and protections for some from the deliberated and passed legislation of the land still in effect for others."

Here are several examples of his behavior:
  • Waivers from ObamaCare
  • Waivers from immigration laws
  • Go easy on the Occupiers
  • Black Panther polling place thuggery
  • War Powers Act 
  • Rewriting passed law
  • Misrepresenting Law     
It seems clear that our system has cracks in its checks and balances.  From the aforementioned points to the stonewalling of a Congressional Oversight Committee by the Department of Justice to a Senate that conveniently ignores its obligation to produce a budget, the system that was designed to be a defense for the people against government is not perfect.  This administration has proven that.   "     [American Thinker]

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