Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shedding the Light on the SEIU: Were it not for the internet, you might never know about America’s most notorious union

"Prior to the beating of Kenneth Gladney, the Service Employees International Union (or SEIU) flew under the public’s radar. Many Americans’ had never heard of then-SEIU boss Andy Stern and his merry band of purple goons*. Since the Gladney beating, however, the SEIU has earned the reputation once held by such notorious unions as the once mafia-controlled Teamsters or Longshoremen. Now, with the internet replacing the mainstream media as a major source where Americans get their news, tracking the bad actors inside today’s unions like the SEIU has never been easier."       [Red State]

clipper first encountered this SEIU thuggery at a confrontation in Tampa in August 2009 when our rather large group of conservatives were blocked from attending a "town hall" meeting by US  Representative Kathy Castor where she was scheduled to talk with constituents about the new Health Care bill.  They came prepared with signs and with their purple shirted goons backing them up.  [clipper] 

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