Monday, August 6, 2012

The Morphing of the Tea Party 

Read this article through to the end wherein a US Army study uses the following scenario as the basis for its plans:
"In May 2016 an extremist militia motivated by the goals of the "tea party" movement takes over the government of Darlington, South Carolina, occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council, and placing the mayor under house arrest.

The description of the hypothetical crises continues. Does it sound familiar?

The U.S. Army's 2010 contingency plan for how to engage in "Full Spectrum Operations" -- in other words, how to make war -- within the U.S. borders against U.S. citizens uses a hypothetical situation where insurrectionists are "motivated by the goals of the 'tea party' movement."

Makes one wonder: Is the military already engaged in compiling intelligence on the Tea Party movement in anticipation of a potential insurrection? If that's happening, with whom is that "intelligence" being shared today?"     [American Thinker]

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