Sunday, September 23, 2012

Here is the Romney/Ryan Five point plan to fix the economy.  Read the article for details. Here's an outline:

  1. Romney will allow America to use our wealth of natural resources.  It can be done in the right places, with safe methods and proper regulation, but it must be done if we are to thrive.
  2. Start competing with China again in the global marketplace. 
  3. remove the burden of unnecessary government rules.
  4. Next, education.  It is not rocket science to know that if we keep doing the same things that fail with more money, it is not going to move us forward.  Education is a Romney priority.
  5. Last point in Romney's five-point plan for the economy is to tackle our debt and deficit.  Romney's answer is the Tea Party principle: don't spend money you don't have.  
[American Thinker]

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