Saturday, September 29, 2012

By law, defense contractors must give 60 days notice of forthcoming layoffs.  The Obama administration's fumbling of economic issues with Congress is resulting in "sequestration".  This has already identified MASSIVE cuts to defense spending to begin Jan 1, 2013.  In order to obey the  law the contractors must issue layoff notices by Nov 1st - FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION !  

Of course, Dear Leader will have none of that nonsense which would certainly damage his inflated image and COST HIM VOTES.    So..... he tells contractors not to issue such notices until AFTER THE ELECTION, thus possibly violating the 60 day notice requirement.  In return for doing this, he says the federal government will allow the contractors to bill the government for the costs of any resulting lawsuits.     [clipper]


Lockheed accepts Obama’s ‘guidance’ and will delay sending tens of thousands of layoff notices until after the election

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