Thursday, October 25, 2012

Here's What You Get With "FOUR MORE YEARS"

"Earlier this month, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, released a new EPW Minority Report entitled, "A Look Ahead to EPA Regulations for 2013: Numerous Obama EPA Rules Placed On Hold until after the Election Spell Doom for Jobs and Economic Growth."

This report enumerates the slew of environmental regulations that the Obama-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has delayed or punted on before the election while President Obama is trying to earn votes; but the Obama-EPA plans to move full speed ahead to implement this agenda if President Obama wins a second term.  As this report reveals, these rules taken together will inevitably result in the elimination of millions of American jobs, drive up the price of gas at the pump even more, impose construction bans on local communities, and essentially shut down American oil, natural gas, and coal production."     [American Thinker]

Said in other words ...... here's the end of life in these United States as we know it!     [clipper]

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