Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our Ambassador Is Dead, but Obama's Political Guru Is Safe


"Our U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans who served us there are dead because of insufficient security while the assistant to the president for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, a woman named Valerie Jarrett, has been given an entourage of well-armed, highly trained protectors as she goes to and from work in Washington, goes shopping or out to dinner, and travels to political events and vacations on Martha's Vineyard.


Why is Valerie Jarrett such a high priority when it comes to security, and why are our diplomats in Libya so much less of a priority? "     [American Thinker]
The answer, in clipper's opinion, is that she, the Presidents assistant, descendant of and sympathizer with Communist fellow travelers, is the closet President.  As reported elsewhere:   "A product of Chicago's Daley political machine, Jarrett has been a political guru to Barack and Michelle Obama for the past 20 years.  It is to her that Michelle owed the job she was given with the Daley political machine.  The Obamas seem to see themselves as dependent upon Jarrett.  When a reporter once asked Obama if he ran every important decision by Valerie Jarrett, Obama without pause answered, "Yep.  Absolutely." "

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