Wednesday, October 17, 2012

To Hell with the Law; Re-Election Is More Important

"Without even bothering to ask Congress for approval, Obama has committed to pay defense contractors' penalties and court costs from the Pentagon budget.  Costs could be as high as $500 million.  Let's see...first Defense gets hit with "sequestration," then Obama commits to pay fines and penalties if defense contractors don't follow the law.  Obama has placed the Pentagon and defense contractors in a catch 22, "creating additional economic uncertainty.  They can break the law and keep the White House happy, or follow the law and annoy their major customer."

Obama also will make Congress complicit in his law-breaking.  He did not even have the courtesy to ask them how they felt about his lawlessness.  But Obama may not have the authority to offer to pay the penalties.  And even if he does, a new administration could simply refuse to pay them.  So what this situation boils down to is that penalty payments will be made if Obama is somehow re-elected."     [American Thinker]

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