Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our Hundred Years' War

"Barack Obama, the president with the least understanding of military affairs of any on record, is fighting this as a limited war, a war of “containment” with no overall strategy of the moment, much less any kind of grand strategy for the long run. Obama, along with his various Middle East “experts” of the Susan Rice and Samantha Power variety, persists in stumbling from crisis to crisis, never accomplishing much, never looking forward to the next move, forever playing catchup ball. The end result has been political chaos, humanitarian disaster, and a revival of Jihadi fortunes throughout the Islamic crescent.

We have a people whose mental horizons are set by sports, entertainment trivia, and reality TV. People who want no more than to retreat to their mancaves, malls, and game consoles and not be bothered. They are easily played and manipulated by anybody who is willing to promise exactly that.

This mindset will need to be destroyed before a serious campaign against the Jihadis can be resumed. Eventually the terrorists will take care of that themselves through their own atrocious actions. But it won’t happen tomorrow, and until it does, there’s no point in discussing an abstraction like “strategy.” Without will, strategy is pantomime.

We need a grand vision for the United States. Not only as the world’s leading economy and pioneer in participatory democracy, but as something more: a nation with a great destiny as defender of the West and protector of the civilized virtues against a savage and implacable enemy."

[American Thinker]

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