Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ad campaign blasts eligibility question at voters

"Remember all the questions that Hillary Clinton had about Barack Obama’s eligibility when the two were competing for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination?

How about the times the issue was raised by the 2008 GOP nominee, Sen. John McCain?

And what about the gauntlet thrown down by likely 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney on the question? 

Or by members of Congress? …

Wait, how about this? The questions from the mainstream press?

Donald Trump, who briefly toyed with a presidential bid, has spoken out, as has Ambassador Alan Keyes, who has stated plainly he believes there are problems with Obama’s documentation.
As have a few other brave individuals.

But voters likely aren’t going to escape the questions over Obama’s eligibility under the U.S. Constitution’s requirements that someone must be a “natural born citizen” to qualify this year.

A new national ad has been playing on television – Fox News channel already has aired it – that takes the questions about Obama’s background, eligibility, and qualifications directly to voters."     [WND]

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