Monday, October 22, 2012

Ahead of Election, Obama Stops Releasing ‘Stimulus’ Reports


"The $831,000,000,000 economic “stimulus” that President Obama spearheaded and signed into law requires his administration to release quarterly reports on its effects.  But “the most transparent administration in the history of our country” is now four reports behind schedule and has so far not released any reports whatsoever in 2012.  Its most recent quarterly report is for the quarter than ended on June 30, 2011.

By the April 2010 report, according to that same method of estimating the stimulus’s effects, the tally was up to $167,000 spent for each job added or saved.  By the July 2010 report, the tally was up to $190,000.  By November 2010, it was up to $206,000.  By March 2011, it was up to $242,000.  By July 2011, it was up to $278,000 (at which point the White House objected to my highlighting its own numbers, and I responded).  And by the December 2011 report (which covered the stimulus’s effects through the second quarter of 2011), it was up to $317,000 — $317,000 of taxpayers’ money that was borrowed and spent for each job that was added or saved.  "     [Weekly Standard]

I LOVE this political obfuscation by the guvmint....... what the he-- is a "saved" job?     [clipper]

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