Monday, October 22, 2012

In Obama's World, There Is No You


"President Obama inadvertently reveals his true post-Marxist colors at every turn, but perhaps nowhere more starkly than in his irresistible impulse to look Americans in the eye and say, "This isn't about you." What is sometimes (correctly) described as his coldness is, more precisely, the lifelong leftist's pathological habit of converting concrete human lives into an abstract, "composite" humanity which, to his corrupted intellect, seems more real than life itself.

Obama's supporters, and particularly those who have been sold the liberal bill of goods to the effect that the president and the Democrats "care about you" more than Mitt Romney and the Republicans, must finally come to terms with the fact that in Barack Obama's mind, and in the world he envisions, there is no you. "     [American Thinker]

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